How We Keep Your Family Safe

A Comprehensive Response Plan Protects
Our Community From germs

How We Keep Your Family Safe

A Comprehensive Response Plan Protects Our Community From germs


Hand Washing & Sanitizing Keep Little Hands Germ-Free

Your child washes their hands anytime they transition between activities, and everyone has the use of a kid-friendly, water-based hand sanitizer that protects from germs for up to 24 hours. Clean hands for all means fewer germs to go around.

Hand Washing & Sanitizing Keep Little Hands Germ-Free
Daily Temperature Checks Screen Out Symptoms

Daily Temperature Checks Screen Out Symptoms

Temperature checks are done whenever a child is not feeling well. Screening for symptoms daily helps catch any potential illness before it has the chance to spread around our community.

One Adult & 6-Foot Rules Protect Families

One per child, please! When only one adult comes to drop off and collect their child, it keeps potential family exposure to a minimum. When those adults stay 6 feet apart at drop-off and pick up, it’s even better!
One Adult & 6-Foot Rules Protect Families
Class Rosters Stay Consistent & Separate

Class Rosters Stay Consistent & Separate

Your child’s class roster and teachers are the same every day, and groups do not share spaces. You know your little one only spends time with a consistent group of peers and staff who maintain distance whenever possible.

All Adults Wear Protective Face Coverings

All adults continue to wear masks during the school day. Rest assured that they are doing all they can to prevent the airborne spread of illness and protect your little one’s health.
All Adults Wear Protective Face Coverings

Even MORE Time Outdoors Maximizes Maskless Learning

Your child spends as much time as possible learning and playing outdoors. Fresh air and sunshine boost little immune systems and help your child relax, socialize, and develop healthily.
Even MORE Time Outdoors Maximizes Maskless Learning
A Sparkling Clean You Can Count On

Strict, Comprehensive Cleaning Protocols Eliminate Germs

Daily cleaning and sanitization with EPA-approved cleaning products keep the classrooms and common areas sparkling clean and germ-free. Every 90 days, the center receives a top-to-bottom antimicrobial cleaning treatment that safeguards every nook and cranny.

We Use Electrostatic Sprayers Indoors & Out For A Super-Charged Clean!

How Old Is Your Child?


6 weeks - 15 months


12 Months - 30 Months

2 ½ Year-Olds

2 - 3 years


3 - 4 years


4 - 5 years